The Adjective Clause
Adjective Clause
- Adjective clause adalah dependent
clause yang berfungsi sebagai adjective dan menjelaskan
tentang noun atau pronoun pada suatu complex
sentence (kalimat kompleks). Complex
merupakan kalimat yang terdiri dari independent clause dan satu
atau lebih dependent clause.
- Posisi adjective
clause selalu mengikuti noun atau pronoun (subject
atau object) yang dijelaskan. Dengan kata
lain klausa ini merupakan informasi yang ditambahkan terhadap subject atau object.
- Adjective clause dimulai
dengan suatu kata yang disebut relative
pronoun (who, whom, etc). Kata ini berguna untuk menjembatani hubungan
dengan subject/object yang diterangkan.
Adjective Clause pada Complex Sentence:
Simple Sentence
Complex Sentence
book is interesting.
book that he has read is interesting.
The book: noun
that: relative pronoun, that he has read: adjective clause yang menjelaskan the book. Merupakan klausa karena terdiri dari subject (he) dan verb (has read) dan merupakan adjective clause karena menjelaskan noun. |
Independent Clause + Adjective Clause
Relative Pronoun +/- S*+V
Fungsi Relative Pronoun pada Adjective Clause
Beberapa fungsi relative pronoun di dalam adjective clause berikut contohnya adalah sebagai berikut.
Relative Pronoun
Contoh Adjective
that, which
that was made of
cheddar cheese.
substitusi dengan “It” (subjective personal pronoun)
that, which, who
whom I want to buy
substitusi dengan “it” (objective personal pronoun)
whose house has
burned down
substitusi dengan “his” (possessive personal pronoun)
Punctuation (Tanda
Baca) pada Adjective Clause
Saat menerangkan subject, posisi adjective clause
akan berada di tengah kalimat. Klausa tersebut dapat diapit koma ataupun
tidak, tergantung pada penting atau tidaknya informasi tambahan yang dibawanya.
Informasi tersebut dinilai essential (penting) atau restrictive
jika akan mengubah makna kalimat jika dihilangkan. Pada situasi tersebut, koma
tidak digunakan. Klausa yang membawa informasi essential tersebut
dinamakan defining clause. Sebaliknya, jika informasi non-essential
(tidak penting) atau non-restrictive karena dapat dihilangkan tanpa
merubah makna kalimat, maka koma digunakan. Klausa yang membawa informasi non-essential
tersebut dinamakan non-defining
Complex Sentence:
- Essential: People who chew
well may have healthy digestion.
- Non-essential: Yulia,
who does exercise regularly, has a positive body image.
Contoh Adjective Clause
Adapun contoh adjective clause dengan berbagai relative pronoun dapat
dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut.
Relative Pronoun
Contoh Adjective Clause di Dalam Complex Sentence
is the man who works hard to support their daily needs. (Dia pria yang
bekerja keras untuk menanggung kebutuhan sehari-hari mereka.)
clause menerangkan
noun (the man) yang berfungsi sebagai subject complement.
woman whom you saw last night is my sister. (Wanita yang
kamu lihat tadi malam adalah saudara saya)
Adjective clause menerangkan noun (the
woman) yang berfungsi sebagai subject kalimat.
man whose car is antique works as a lecturer. (The man yang
punya mobil antik itu bekerja sebagai dosen.)
clause menerangkan noun (the
man) yang berfungsi sebagai subject kalimat.
Mueeza, which is
very faithful, is my cat. (Mueeza, yang sangat setia, adalah kucing
Adjective clause menerangkan noun (Mueeza)
yang berfungsi sebagai subject kalimat.
Lampung is a city where I was born. (Bandar Lampung adalah kota dimana
saya dilahirkan.)
clause menerangkan noun (a
city) yang berfungsi sebagai subject complement.
is the car that I has dreamed for many years ago. (Ini mobil yang
telah saya impikan sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu.)
Adjective clause menerangkan noun (the
car) yang berfungsi sebagai subject complement.
Examples of Adjective Clauses
Adjective Clauses In Action
Adjective clauses do not change the basic meaning of the sentence. In some
cases, when they provide more information into a sentence, they need to be set
off with commas.Here are several examples of sentences with the adjective clauses underlined:
- Pizza, which most people love, is not very healthy.
- The people
whose names are on the list will go to camp.
- Grandpa
remembers the old days when there was no television.
- Fruit that is grown organically is expensive.
- Students who are intelligent get good grades.
- Eco-friendly
cars that run on electricity save gas.
- I know
someone whose father served in World War II.
- Making
noise when he eats is the main reason why Sue does
not like to eat with her brother.
- The kids who were called first will have the best chance of
getting a seat.
- Running a
marathon, a race of twenty-six miles, takes a
lot of training.
- I enjoy
telling people about Janet Evanovich whose latest
book was fantastic.
- The people
waiting all night outside the Apple store are
trying to purchase a new iPhone.
- "He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe
is as good as dead." - Albert Einstein
- “Those who do not complain are never pitied.” - Jane
- “People
demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid.” - Søren Kierkegaard
- “Never go
to a doctor whose office plants have died.” -
Erma Bombeck
Turning Adjective Clauses into Phrases
An adjective clause with a subject pronoun - such as which, that or who -
can also be shortened into a phrase.You can shorten an adjective clause in two ways:
- Omit the subject pronoun and
- Omit the subject pronoun and
change the verb to the form ending in "ing."
- Adjective Clause: The books,
which are lost, are not really necessary.
- Adjective Phrase: The books
lost are not really necessary.
- Adjective Clause: The girl who
is running is my best friend.
- Adjective Phrase: The girl
running is my best friend.
- Adjective Clause: His share
of the money, which consists of $100,000, was given to him on
- Adjective Phrase: His share
of the money, consisting of $100,000, was given to him on Monday.
- Adjective Clause: Something that
smells bad may be rotten.
- Adjective Phrase: Something
smelling bad may be rotten.
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